What To Do After An Auto Accident

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What To Do After An Auto Accident

So, after a crash happens, the first thing to do is get out of harm's way. Be safe, get to a safe place, call the police, make sure the police come out and investigate the accident. I would take photographs of everything at the scene, and then make sure that you get to a doctor in Florida within this important 14 days after the accident. If you're not seen by a doctor within 14 days of the accident in Florida, the money that you paid to the insurance company evaporates like poofer dust. It doesn't exist, it doesn't help you, if you're not seen within 14 days.

If you're not at fault in a car crash, one of the most important things to do is to call the police to have them come out to the scene right away to investigate. Make sure that the investigating officer sees all of the property damage to both vehicles and documents any physical evidence. Make sure that any witnesses of good Samaritans that stopped, make sure their names are given to the police, or get their card if they have to leave. It's very important to get the name and number of any independent witness. So, if someone offers you a card, keep it, put it in your phone, and don't lose it under any circumstances, because that person may become very important in your life down the road.


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