What Is Hypoxic Brain Injury?

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Hypoxic brain injury is a lack of oxygen to the brain. We often see hypoxic brain injury in near-drowning cases, where someone survives the drowning event but they end up having life-altering loss of sensation and memory problems. In order to properly work up and to protect our client, you have to get a life care plan or involve someone that will spend the time and put out documented, medically, all the needs that you'll need over the course of your whole life, because we only get one shot in a case like this. Here at Holliday Karatinos, we've helped people recover to the best extent possible for brain injury cases, for people that live inside and outside the state of Florida. If you or a loved one has suffered a hypoxic brain injury, please, come in and meet with me and we'll figure out whether you have a case together.


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